When The Twizzles were born, we "color coded" them. Future Angelo Lilly III is Blue, and Frederick Douglas Lilly III is Green. You heard me correct. Most snack cups, plates, clothes, toys, you name it. I labeled my blessings. Of course, The Princess would love all things PINK considering that was a color that I never wanted for her. Her baby colors were Green and Yellow. That didn't last long. Everyone liked her in Pink, so they bought her Pink. Now, she would wear Pink every day of her life if she could.
Here is my latest obsessive find for my blessings. They are water bottles and snack cups in one. They have a strap on them just becuase. But the best part are the colors - BLUE, GREEN, AND PINK! I don't think that anyone or anything can help my addiction, but I have always heard that if you tell someone, that will help you get over it. NOT!!!
If you have a problem like me, stop by The Dollar Tree for these cute little cups. And, pick up some $1 color t-shirts while you are there. Not just any kind of t-shirts, but Hanes, Fruit of the Loom, and Gildan t-shirts.
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