Sunday, February 28, 2010

Have you ever been licked?

I figure that most of you would say "Yes, but this is a Rated G Blog".  Well, it is Rated G because it isn't what you think.

I went out of town for almost 3 whole days this past week.  This was my first trip away from The Twizzles since I was carrying them.  It was a little bit harder for me this time around than the past trips that I have taken, and I am not for sure why.  I called them every night, but the last night they decided that they didn't want to talk on the phone.  I was not a "happy camper" about that one bit, but then they finally got on the phone.

The cutest sound in the world is hearing your two babies saying, "Hewwo Mommie" in stereo.  I loved it and hated it, so I was really ready to get home and hold them.  I drove into the garage like normal, and I eased into the house without anyone hearing me.  Then, I said "Mommie's Home".  You would have thought that someone won a Gold at the Olympics.  They started screaming and yelling my name.  Then, I was licked...  Frederick (Techie Baby) grabbed my neck and started chanting "Up Up Up".  Then, I felt a weird sensation.  Future (Talkie Baby) grabbed my leg, and started to lick me.  I can't even explain it, but I think that he was acting as a doggie before I got home is all that I can imagine.  It was hilarious because he licked my leg, arm, face, and then I finally got him to stop.

Suffice it to say, getting licked in this fashion was fantastic.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wild and Crazy Evening

Well, we started potty training when the Twizzles turned 2.  It has been an big roller coaster with them considering they are so individual.  One could sit on the potty for almost a whole hour without letting out anything, while the other one "let's it all out".

We made headway by accident this week.  The boys sat on the potties for about 30 minutes or so.  Since they didn't "produce" anything, I decided to let them take a bath.  I didn't want to put a diaper on them to take them upstairs, so I decided to put them on underwear.  Between the den and the tub upstairs, both had accidents in their underwear.  They started screaming and crying as if they were hurting.  It scared me at first because I couldn't tell if they were really hurting or not.

I talked to a few other mommies about this, and they all say the same thing.  If we had known that the fact that our blessings being dirty would trigger the need to "potty" on a toilet, then I would have let them "roam free" a long time ago.  I am okay with mopping for a few weeks if that would get me a raise by not buying diapers, I AM ALL FOR IT.